About PSG
PSG Vestments expertise in making vestments since 1976 in India. We are the manufacturer and the wholesale supplier of religious vestments providing affirmative products from genesis. Having 35 years of experience in handcrafting vestments we commenced our e-commerce website www.psgvestments.com in 2013 to cater the needs of customers and started to ship our products directly to the global customers. All products are impeccably executed in our production unit based in India by our heritage craftspeople and management team. We strive to provide 100% quality products and services to the customers and that's the pinnacle mission of PSG Vestments. Gained reputation over years regarding the quality and service. Every custom order from the customers is intended precisely to attain their needs. We express our heartfelt thanks to all the Clergies, Bishops, Cardinals of Eastern and Western Tradition for their unwavering support to reach heights.
Let the Divine calling, strive and achieve the best in the days ahead with commitment, innovative, qualified and untiring workforce of PSG Vestments!!!